From 1952 through 1957 DC Comics published a comic book series devoted to Dean and Jerry, titled The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
The series ran for 40 issues, until the breakup of the team. From that point on, the series was renamed The Adventures of Jerry Lewis and ran for another 84 issues.
It's very odd to think of these guys as comic book heroes, but it's also a testament to their popularity at the time.
Much of the material in the series could have been drawn directly from the duo's stage act, with Dino portrayed as the suave ladies' man and Jerry the irrepressible nitwit.
Issue #2 of the series included a fairly straightforward 3-page bio of the team.
Once in awhile you might still find these titles on eBay. A quick survey this morning showed several of the 10 cent issues selling for upwards of $30 apiece.